giovedì 3 maggio 2018

The Niggers of Italy

Imagine an economically poor but oil-rich region like Nigeria.
Imagine a region where the inhabitants are forced to emigrate like Nigeria.
Imagine a region where institutions do not know exactly how much oil is extracted like Nigeria.
Imagine a region where people die of cancer due to oil extraction like Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where the royalties paid to institutions are low like Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where the institutions do not know exactly what is happening inside Nigeria-type mining facilities.
Imagine a region where oil is extracted from countryside, forests and rivers like Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where communication routes are old, inadequate and lacking as in Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where the mass media do not report the environmental damage of the oil and the extractions are painted as carriers of well-being as in Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where oil is extracted where mining companies do not use NIGGERS as non-local people like Nigeria. 
Imagine a region where oil companies treat local residents NEW NIGGERS like Nigeria. 
Imagine this place in Italy and not in Nigeria.

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